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Ensuring You Test & Tag All Electrical Equipment In Your Business

Ensuring Your Business Does Regular ‘Test & Tagging’ Of All Electrical Equipment

Is your Electrical Equipment safe to use?

Is your Test & Tag Register up to date?

For many of the industries we work with, the risk of electrocution within the workplace can be high. It’s reported that each year, the majority of these incidents are caused by faulty or damaged electrical equipment, leads and plugs.

One of the most important things we can do to protect our people, is to ensure regular test & tagging of all electrical equipment is carried out in accordance with AS/NZS 3012. Whilst this is a legislative requirement, it’s a procedure that can often be overlooked.

At Clean Feeling we have a high volume of electrical equipment such as vacuums, leads, scrubbers, polishers and so on. We keep a test and tag register in the office that’s updated on a regular basis, so when we upgrade or purchase any new equipment, we arrange a test with a local electrical company before the equipment is handed over to the team. They simply inspect and test the equipment to make sure everything is in safe working order, then attach a tag with their license number, the date of the test and the date of the re-test due. This information is logged in the register and a reminder set a few weeks before the next due date.

If there are items such as electrical leads that don’t pass the inspection, they’re disposed of correctly and faulty equipment is booked in for servicing and repair.

There’s a useful table with more information on the Worksafe website. Check in with your safety officer or contact your local electrical contractor to protect your team today.

#safetyatwork #bestpractice #protectingpeople

If you’d like us to provide a commercial cleaning quote for your business, please call us on (07) 4998 5250 or email admin@cleanfeeling.com.au.

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